There’s a place in Georgia called Stone Mountain. If you’ve never been there, I recommend going at least once. It is the largest piece of granite in the world. It rises up over 800 feet in the air. You can ride a tram car up to the top or walk it if you’re able. The views are magnificent. The history is great also. They do a laser light show on Saturday nights to the three famous men carved in the side of the mountain.
As I sat on top feeling the breeze and seeing some of God’s wonderful creation, I couldn’t help feeling so small. I think sometimes we feel as if we aren’t noticed by God. After all, He’s got all this other stuff and other people to take care of, so what are we?
But that is not the case, of course. God knows us better than anyone ever will or ever can. He is the only One that takes the trouble to want to hear from us. He is the only One who really listens to us all the time. He is the only One who truly loves us unconditionally. That is such a wonderful thing to me!
I love going to places and seeing things that remind me of His love for me in that He created all these places and things for us to enjoy while we are here on this earth waiting for Jesus to come back. I think enjoying His creation is praising His name and witnessing to others of the greatness of our God!