Sometimes, I am not really smart, but at present I know something better than the dictionary. When I asked my computer to define joy, it said a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Well, that is wrong. Joy isn’t a feeling. Sometimes, joy can put a smile on your face because it makes you feel… Continue reading Don’t Call It Like You See It
Author: Laurel Burton
The Abyss
In 1989, a movie came out called The Abyss. The story was some people were stranded under the sea and the only way to be rescued was for one of them to go down deep under water into an abyss. It was pretty good until near the end when aliens came and it got ‘cheesy.’… Continue reading The Abyss
Imagine That!
I love to think about what it must have been like in the garden of Eden. Genesis 3: 8 says, Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day. What must it have been like to walk and talk with God in the… Continue reading Imagine That!
Red Hot
There are a lot of life lessons out in nature. I believe God made it that way. All we have to do is go outside and look around to see Him. I’ve blogged a couple of times on life lessons from the zero-turn mower. If you’re interested in those posts, you can read them here… Continue reading Red Hot
Not Everyone
I have to say my childhood was a pretty good one. I learned to be able to play alone most of the time. I learned to love nature by playing at and in the creek that ran in our backyard. Catching crawdads, snakes and other things was a passtime for me. But not everyone. Not… Continue reading Not Everyone
The Blame
Facebook is a lit up this morning with posts of the shooting in Texas, and rightly so. We should all be upset about so many dead especially children. It makes moms and dads everywhere want to grab our kids, hug them, and never let go. Even if they are 24 and 22 years old! This… Continue reading The Blame
The Painful Path
In the movie Pocahontas, Grandmother Willow tells Pocahontas, “Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.” We all know there are many paths in life we take. Paths we choose; paths that lead to other paths; paths we do not choose. Most of the time we take paths we think are harmless to us.… Continue reading The Painful Path
Not Gone but Forgotten
We are really good at forgetting people and things. Perhaps it’s busyness, age, the beginning of dementia? Who knows. During the past 2 years when everyone has kept to themselves, there are people who’ve been forgotten. One thing the elders where I worship and work do well is check on members. They get reports daily.… Continue reading Not Gone but Forgotten
The Haunting
I don’t believe in ghosts. However, I do believe in spirits. There is a spiritual world all around us. Most of the time, we don’t see it. But I do believe there are times it shows itself and we get a glimpse. Some people may think the spirits that we see are ghosts. Perhaps those… Continue reading The Haunting
TBH. Do you know what those letters stand for? To be honest. Whenever my husband hears or sees those letters, he says, “Why do people use them? Are they lying the rest of the time?” Are you like me? If I’m honest with myself, I struggle. A lot. I find I my faith is weakest… Continue reading TBH