At one of my jobs in the past, there was a young girl working in the section next to me. She was engaged but would flirt endlessly with one of my coworkers. As a Christian I believed I should let him know she was engaged, so I did. In turn that girl told a bunch… Continue reading Ethics
Author: Laurel Burton
Most of the time I don’t like to be noticed. I just like to go about my life as if no one can see me. Life’s easier that way. But sometimes it’s amazing to me what people do for attention. Some of us do crazy things to make others notice us. In the past couple… Continue reading Attention
Good Enough
Have you ever been to a place where you haven’t feel like you’re good enough to be there? Maybe you were at worship, your job, school, or a friend’s house. You know how much of a sinner you are, and you just don’t feel worthy enough to be there. I’m reading a book by Max… Continue reading Good Enough
When I was younger, I played any sport I could find to play. I was pretty good at most of them. One thing I loved about playing sports was the way my parents would always try to make it to my games. They didn’t always get to come, but when they did, they cheered me… Continue reading Champion
Recently, my daily Bible reading has been in 2 Chronicles. It is an account of the kings of Israel and Judah, the two divided kingdoms of God’s people at the time. It is interesting how few of those kings followed God, and most of them had idols to worship other gods. God’s anger was kindled… Continue reading Anger
A Math Lesson
I don’t like math. I don’t like it because it doesn’t come easy to me. I can do basic math, but when you start throwing the alphabet into it, count me out. My kids have always teased me about it! Thank God, Chris is a bean counter and has helped them throughout their school years!… Continue reading A Math Lesson
The Dead
I have a weird confession this morning. I love cemeteries. I love to walk around in them, look at the headstones, read the dates, and think about what those people might have been like. Yesterday, we were blessed to be able to visit Shiloh National Battlefield. If you’ve never been, you need to go. It… Continue reading The Dead
The Roots
We are camping this weekend. We love to camp! To get out in God’s creation, to wander about seeing His beauty. But in that beauty can also sometimes be destruction. We came across this tree… Or at least what’s left of the tree. I couldn’t help but to take a picture and share my thoughts… Continue reading The Roots
Have you ever thought about why Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt when she disobeyed God’s order not to look back as Sodom and Gomorrah were being destroyed? I love it when I’m reading my Bible and come across something I’ve never taken note of before. This morning was the phrase ‘covenant… Continue reading Salt
Picture it. You’re in the church building when all of a sudden it is filled with a cloud. A cloud so thick that no one can get up to say anything because they cannot see. Picture it. You’re worshipping God and all of a sudden fire comes down and consumes the altar. Can you imagine… Continue reading All-Everything!