I once saw a quote that said, “What if you woke tomorrow with only the things you thanked God for today?” Think about that for a minute. Read it again. That is one powerful quote! We take so much for granted. Do we ever remember to thank God for the little, but big, things? Oxygen,… Continue reading Thankful
Author: Laurel Burton
How do you feel today? Broken? Let me see if I can make it just a little bit better. A few weeks ago, our preacher, Randy Owens, at West 7th St. Church of Christ, delivered a message that I loved. So, I’m going to take some of his ideas and express them here as they… Continue reading Broken
For 6 years I was blessed to be able to go on our church youth mission trip to Morant Bay, Jamaica with my girls. While there, I developed a relationship with one of the old men there, Brother Percival Grant whose picture is below. I’m not sure how it happened that he and I connected… Continue reading Jamaica
What makes you happy? Do you consider happiness an emotion or state of mind? Do you think happiness is a daily decision? Do you think we need to wake up each day and decide to be happy just for that day? This is easier said than done, but I think if we can do this… Continue reading Happy
I can’t answer that. Why do we get cancer? Why do babies die? Why do we have to watch loved ones die of dementia? Why is there so much pain in this world? Why God? Some would say this isn’t Heaven yet. Satan tempted. Adam and Eve sinned, and therefore, we have to deal with… Continue reading Why?
Fear Part 2
This is a short follow up to my Fear blog of a few days ago. Just a scripture to remember when we’re scared. Remember Who is in control. This world, the people in it, and circumstances can harm this body, but nothing and no one can take my soul away from my God unless I… Continue reading Fear Part 2
Messed Up
We’re all messed up! Do you believe that? I do. We are all messed up on some level. I even know a therapist who has current issues with family, so no one is exempt! There are different reasons for this. Some of us grew up in a household where the family was not what God… Continue reading Messed Up
What do you think of when you see the word fear? Do you think of what scares you the most? Do you think of some childhood fear you had? Do you think of scary movies? Of what are you afraid? The Bible and Jesus specifically commands us so many times not to be afraid. I… Continue reading Fear
The Lion and the Lamb
I love the analogy of God as the Lion and Jesus as the Lamb. There are many songs that have the line Lion of Judah in them. One that comes to my mind is from the movie “God’s Not Dead.” The song is the same as the movie title and sung by The Newsboys. It… Continue reading The Lion and the Lamb
The Airport
Don’t you just love the airport? I do! There are so many people going so many places! It’s the best place besides the mall to ‘people watch.’ People from all over the world are coming and going. The places to go are limitless! This morning I had to go to the airport to pick up… Continue reading The Airport