Like Little Children

This week school started, and it has been very busy. Trying to get back into a schedule has been hard on both the teachers and students. The new normal is being tested, and we will be adjusting as the school year goes on. I took a new full-time position this year as Kindergarten aide, and… Continue reading Like Little Children

A Little While

As I sat in the doctor’s waiting room yesterday, I couldn’t help wonder is this the new normal? Temperature taken at the door upon entry. Masks required. Questions answered like do I have my taste and smell, have I been around anyone with the virus, etc. So, as we all sat in the waiting room,… Continue reading A Little While

The Last Day

They say you should live each day as if it is your last. I dare say none of us do this. I know I’m not, and I can’t think of one person I know who is, at least to where it can be seen. So, if you only had days to live, what would that… Continue reading The Last Day


A few years ago someone who used to be in my family had a severe accident while cutting down a tree. Somehow the tree fell and crushed his whole hand injuring all his fingers except for his thumb. It was a horrible experience for him and his family. The medical team tried everything they could… Continue reading Pruned


Yesterday our inservice began for this upcoming school year. I am always excited to begin a new year for several reasons. But…this year is very different than any in the past I have been a part of and perhaps any ever in history. Because of the Covid pandemic, this school year is full of adjustments,… Continue reading Focus

The Best

My husband and I really like to go ‘antiquing.’ We like to shop for old things that are unique, and sometimes we are able to find some very interesting things. Often times we see things people have made in the way of cross-stitching or some other needle project. The words below are from one I… Continue reading The Best


I really like genealogy. The discoveries, the plots of people’s lives, and the whys are so fascinating! Last Sunday during the sermon, our minister said one time he was asked to think of one perfect family in the Bible. He couldn’t. I couldn’t either. Can you? There are no perfect people and therefore, no perfect… Continue reading Imperfection

Get Back Up!

A while back someone I love so very much was going through some tough times, to put it mildly. Thanks be to God, they made it out alive and are better for their struggles. I have heard it said we are either going into a struggle, living in a struggle, or coming out of a… Continue reading Get Back Up!

Lay ‘Em Down

There are times in this world when things happen beyond our control and our lights get dim. Bad things…Pandemics…Murders…Injuries…Illnesses… It’s in those times I want to hide away at my farm. My light feels dim, and I can’t seem to make it shine. But…I know I can’t hide. That’s what satan wants me to do… Continue reading Lay ‘Em Down