Enoch walked steadily with God. And then one day he was simply gone: God took him. Genesis 5:24 The Message There was probably nothing simple about it. Were there search parties? Did his family know where he had gone? Did they mourn his disappearance? Did they know he walked with God…steadily? Perhaps they did and… Continue reading Simply Gone
Category: Spiritiual
So Very Good
As I sit this morning looking out my window, it is a cold 20 degrees. But I still see the good things God has created as the birds come out looking for bugs and the grass is turning green and growing. God’s creation is getting ready for Spring. God looked over everything he had made; it… Continue reading So Very Good
He Knows!
Have you ever tried to help a friend or loved one through a trying time only to fail because you could not identify with how they were feeling. The sympathy was there, but because you had not ever experienced their trial, there was no empathy. Sometimes I think we don’t really believe Jesus went through… Continue reading He Knows!
5 Second Rule
Sometimes we joke when we drop food and pick it up saying, “Five second rule!” We then think it’s okay to eat it. I guess it depends on what the food item is, how bad we want it, and what the floor looks like! In 1 Samuel 3 verse 19, it says: The Lord was with Samuel as… Continue reading 5 Second Rule
God and Me
Taken from Habakkuk: How long, Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen?Or cry out to you, “Violence!” but you do not save? Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed.For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told. Why then do you tolerate the treacherous? Why… Continue reading God and Me
The Artist
I am not artist at all. I mean not a bone or cell in my body is artsy. I can barely draw a stick person. When I see art, I can and do appreciate it, but I cannot stare at it and interpret what the artist was thinking. Except in one case. In seeing this… Continue reading The Artist
He’s Amazing!!
Isn’t God’s and His creation amazing? Here in Tennessee we can go from pouring rain and flooding to this…
Just Give Me Jesus!
When my oldest daughter was a freshman in college, she was having a difficult time because she’d never had a boyfriend or even a date. One day as she was venting, her roommate told her to list everything she wanted in a man; every characteristic. So, she did. When she showed the list to her… Continue reading Just Give Me Jesus!
Strong Enough
I’m not strong enough. I never will be. This earthly body began to die when it arrived. Just like yours did. My Bible reading this morning was the story of Gideon. It has been a while since I’d read about him. He took up God’s fight, but like I do, he questioned God as to… Continue reading Strong Enough
The Loneliest
Often here on our farm, we hear coyotes howling. While it is one of the eeriest sounds, it is perhaps the loneliest sound you’ll ever hear. I read an article of a study done that lists risk factors on loneliness as one gets older. I can see that in some of the older people I… Continue reading The Loneliest