
I have a love/hate relationship with the Reminder app on my phone. I love that I can use it to remind me of times I need to do something. I remember things better when I write them down, and I don’t have to as much when I use this app. However, I don’t like it… Continue reading Reminders


We moved into our new house on New Year’s Day this year. It has been a long 10 year process of buying the land, waiting until our girls graduated high school, and building. Along the way in those 10 years, we’ve enjoyed the time spent at the farm especially when our girls got to come… Continue reading Awe

Always Listening

I love to watch tennis especially when the big tournaments are being played. It’s fun to see the top players try to out smart and out hit each other. I don’t know how they hit the ball so hard! A couple of days ago, I was watching one of my favorite players. He is always… Continue reading Always Listening

Could You?

But Joseph said to them, Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God?  You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.  So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them. Genesis… Continue reading Could You?

Categorized as Spiritiual

Just for Today

Father, God, just for today help me walk Your narrow way. Help me stand when I might fall. Give me the strength to hear Your call. May my steps be worship. May my thoughts be praise. May my words bring honor to Your name. By Marc Scheleske

Strapped and Connected

I have a Jeep. It’s an older one but I love it! I have always wanted one ever since I rode in a friend’s in high school. There are door straps on the Jeep. Two straps, one on each door. Because the doors on a Jeep can be removed, these straps keep the doors from… Continue reading Strapped and Connected

Promises, Promises

We humans make so many promises. Children promise their parents better behavior. Spouses promise each other faithfulness. Christians promise God never to sin again if He will only help out this time. Most of the promises we humans make are trivial or impossible to keep. It seems they are almost made to be broken. But… Continue reading Promises, Promises


I cannot imagine being trapped in the rubble of a tragic event like 9/11, the California earthquake of 1989, or any other horrible catastrophe. After these tragedies, we read about many rescues among the sorrowful stories of those who did not survive. Those rescue stories fill us with some hope amid the pain and sadness.… Continue reading Rescued

Shut In

Memories are funny, aren’t they? I can remember as a kid going to the dentist and looking at this book on the table in the waiting room. It was The Bible Story. Do you remember that big blue book? One page in particular is engraved in my memory. The picture of Noah’s ark and people… Continue reading Shut In

Crouching at the Door

We love to watch The Andy Griffith Show and can probably quote most of them! In one episode Barney is trying to win Thelma Lou back. Andy is inside her house talking with her while Barney is crouching outside the door listening. When Andy opens the door, Barney falls inside. Isn’t that just like Satan… Continue reading Crouching at the Door