Mr. President…

Have you ever thought about what you’d say if the President came to your house or you were invited to the White House? I have. I was reminded of it this morning as I read my daily reading in Daniel. In chapter 9 Daniel prays a long prayer. I think it applies to America today.… Continue reading Mr. President…

The Trotters

Eight years ago I worked at a pumpkin farm for the month of October. I loved it! I helped give tours to schools who brought their classes. We guides took them around the farm, introducing them to many things. One of them was the piglets. There were about 5 of them, and they were so… Continue reading The Trotters


It is said there are no atheists in a fox hole. Think about that for a minute. When you need it, when the battle is raging, where do you get your strength? The first place we should go is to the One who strengthens our souls. Psalm 138 verse 3 says, On the day I… Continue reading Strength


On our farm we have many types of trees such as oak, maple, and chestnut. One kind in particular I like to look at and think about are the sycamore trees. When I see them, they remind me of the story about Zacchaeus in Luke 19. He was a short man who climbed a sycamore… Continue reading Renewed

Be Nice

We love to watch The Andy Griffith Show. It’t probably one of the cleanest shows on TV these days. But it’s interesting how many times Andy bent the truth to keep others from being hurt. In one episode Andy and Barney are trying to get a date for Thelma Lou’s cousin, Mary Grace, for a… Continue reading Be Nice

Stranger Things

There’s a popular show out these days called Stranger Things. We began watching it once, but I don’t like scary and eerie shows. So when in one episode, the wall looked like there was a person trying to get out, I was done. There are a lot of strange things and people in this world… Continue reading Stranger Things

Nothing But the Blood

When my nephew was little, he was terrified of blood, especially when he saw his own. Once we were at a family gathering, he got a small cut and went ballistic! He panicked and was almost uncontrollable. Blood isn’t pleasant to think about. It is sticky and turns very dark, almost black, as it dries.… Continue reading Nothing But the Blood

Categorized as Spiritiual

The Voices

When I was in college studying psychology, I was fascinated by many aspects of the mind. I also discovered many of my fellow students suffered with psychological illnesses. Perhaps to a degree, we all do. Schizophrenia is a general term describing someone who has several different mental symptoms. One of those is hearing voices. Maybe… Continue reading The Voices

Hold Fast

There are too many things in this life to name that try to bring us down daily. satan knows just what to do. he knows what to show us. he knows what it is going to take to break us. But we have Jesus, and He has us. satan tries to steal my joy. I… Continue reading Hold Fast