Isn’t it ironic how we are attracted to some people’s personalities but not others? A lot of that has to do with their outlook on life. Most likely, we’ll be attracted to those who are similar to us. What traits do we like in others? This led me to thinking about Jesus. What must His… Continue reading Attraction
Category: Spiritiual
When we are kids, life is forever changing. We are growing physically, emotionally, and hopefully, spiritually. We change grades each year in school. We change sports each season. So many wonderful changes when we are young! Then, we long for the days things will be the same when we are older. But… I’m not sure… Continue reading Constant
A Full Cup
Growing up in the church, I remember singing many songs. Two I’m thinking about this morning are Come Fill My Cup and Would You Be Poured Out. There are many analogies used in the Bible by which we can choose to live. What does it mean to be poured out? For whom are we poured… Continue reading A Full Cup
One Day
As I watch the sun rise this morning, a song is on my mind and heart. It’s called One Day. Our youth group would sometimes sing it. I have it on my phone, and I like the message. We can say ‘one day’ about a lot of things. One day we’ll understand. One day we’ll… Continue reading One Day
Just Gone
My great, great grandfather lived in Texas with his family back in the late 1800s. The story goes that one day he told his wife he was going away, and if he wasn’t back by a certain time, she was to take their two kids and herself to Tennessee. He left, never to be heard… Continue reading Just Gone
When I was a kid, I remember lying to my mom about something. I hated when I did something wrong. So, I went back and told her the truth. I felt so guilty. I am still that way today even though I do wrong stuff all the time. When I know I’ve done something wrong,… Continue reading Quenched
How many friends do you have? I mean true friends? Friends you can call at a moment’s notice? Friends that you know will always be there even at 2 am? I can think of less that 5 people who fit that category for me. Oh, some say they’re my friends. Perhaps they are in their… Continue reading Friends
I’m Worn
It’s amazing how being physically sick can make you feel emotionally and sometimes spiritually sick. I haven’t felt well these last couple of days, and sometimes I tend to get down when my body gets out of wack. This song came on the radio yesterday as I was out running an errand. I had never… Continue reading I’m Worn
I have a good friend (she’s probably reading this!) who used to say she went home after teaching and ‘washed off the school.’ I know what she meant by that though there can be two meanings. Not only washing off the germs all the kids give teachers but also washing away the day’s troubles. The… Continue reading Washed
Hill or Valley?
I love the mountains! To be up so high you feel closer to God! But we always have to come back down. There are times when we are on top of the hill, but most of the time we are in the valley. We cannot stay on the mountain. They are only moments. The valley… Continue reading Hill or Valley?