
Alcohol? Drugs? Sex? Mindlessness? Gossip? Food? Shopping? Cleaning? Exercise? Work? How do YOU cope? God?


What do you think of when you hear the word desire? Most people probably think of it sexually, and it can be used that way. Webster defines it as ‘to long or hope for.’ We long for a lot of things. Money, fame, good health, better friends, a bigger house, etc. We also hope for… Continue reading Desire


Yesterday, I got to spend a few hours with my great niece who is 9 years old. We were shopping at a marketplace event, and she was intrigued with all the people to see and things to buy. There were a couple of times when she saw something like shell necklaces or velvet scrunchies she… Continue reading Moments


Change. We all go through it. Bad or good, it can be very hard. Sometimes, I think about what it must have been like in the Eden for Adam and Eve. Before sin entered the world. Everything perfect. No weeds. No stink bugs. No looking down to see you are bleeding. No new bruise found.… Continue reading Dust


I’ve talked in my blog before about how much I like music. And I’ve mentioned older hymns we sometimes sing and how I really like some of them. I also love knowing the story behind them, if there is one. The story behind one of them says, there was a musician who was sitting beside… Continue reading Where?

Open My Eyes

When we read the Bible, I think we pass over so many things that mean so much more than we know. For instance, when the Bible says “Lord of Hosts.” The Message translates this as “God of the Angel Armies.” Wow! What a concept! Sometimes we just read right over that. God of the Angel… Continue reading Open My Eyes

The Right Thing

As a kid, I think we all did things or didn’t do things so we wouldn’t get in trouble, so we wouldn’t receive punishment. I can remember as a kid telling my mom the reason I believed in God was because I was scared to go to Hell. That was my motivation. I didn’t want… Continue reading The Right Thing

Sweet By and By

Yesterday in worship, we sang some older songs which I love. Their messages can be moving, and it brings back memories of hearing my Daddy sing them when I was growing up. One we sang was Sweet By and By. There’s a line that says, “we will meet on that beautiful shore.” The comments made… Continue reading Sweet By and By


“If you’re not scared, you’re not paying attention!” What are you afraid of? Do you really believe in satan? Do you really believe he has the power over this earth that God has allowed him? Do you really believe he is tempting us all and wants us to go to Hell when he does? You… Continue reading satan

Give Me Your Eyes

We are cynical about a lot of things whether we realize it or not. Unfortunately, homelessness is one of them. I confess, I am describing myself when it come to being cynical about homeless people. I think a lot about this and my feelings about the homeless. What do you think when you see the… Continue reading Give Me Your Eyes