Do You Hear It?

There are several passages in the Bible that mention hissing. For most of us, the word hiss has a negative connotation. Snakes do it, and we don’t like snakes. People do it to each other. Sometimes it’s a warning. But in the Bible it is both positive and negative. Shepherds were plentiful, tending their sheep.… Continue reading Do You Hear It?


When I was a little girl, I loved to wrap up in a blanket and lay on the back of the couch under the window air conditioner. I loved to be cold but in a blanket, and I loved to hear the white noise hum of the AC. What brings you comfort? What do you… Continue reading Comfort

The Reason

When we were young, sometimes we were told things we didn’t and couldn’t understand. Often, we were told no without explanation. We never knew the reason for certain things. Just like being a child, God often tells us no or lets things happen, and we don’t know the reason. We just have to trust His… Continue reading The Reason

God Doesn’t

There is no constant in this life we live. People come into our lives and leave by choice or by death. Things we buy get broken or lost. This body we inhabit is aging and decaying. Things are always changing. But… God doesn’t. He never, ever changes. And He never, ever will! Think about that… Continue reading God Doesn’t


How many times have you been innocent but proclaimed guilty by association? Maybe you stood accused and were guilty? When we do wrong things, we can ask for forgiveness and receive it. We know we’re forgiven, and we try to move on, but unfortunately, there can be reminders. Some of the reminders come from people… Continue reading Guilty

The Air I Breathe

One Sunday after worship, I was in the restroom before class time. There was a young mother in there crying. Being new to this congregation, I didn’t know her. I asked if she was okay, and she said yes as she wiped her eyes. I told her I cry a lot too. So much so… Continue reading The Air I Breathe


I grew up in a somewhat superstitious household. I can remember my mother throwing salt if any spilt or sitting down if she forgot something and had to go back in the house. Today is Friday the 13th and a full moon. I’ve seen posts on Facebook about it, and I guess some people might… Continue reading Superstitions


When I was growing up, as the youngest of 4 children, I often was the tag-along. Whether I or they wanted me to or not, I often had to go with my siblings to things like sports practice and games. Looking back, those times made a huge impact on my life. Watching my oldest sister… Continue reading Impact

Know and Known

Do you know? I mean really, really know? Do you really know God? Do you spend time with Him? That is, after all, how we get to know someone. Does He know you? Yes, of course. But the real question may be, do you want Him to know you? He knows you, really knows you,… Continue reading Know and Known

Remind Me

Do you know who you are? Or maybe the question should be, do you know whose you are? On Sunday morning our minister, Randy Owens, has been preaching a series on identity. It has really made me think about who I am, who I think people think I am, and who God knows I am.… Continue reading Remind Me