
There are many terms and phrases people use when someone has died. We say that person has/is passed away, deceased, at peace, departed this life, lost the battle, etc. Even Jesus used the phrase he is only sleeping. We don’t like to use the word dead. I’d be remiss if I didn’t blog about a… Continue reading Dead


Yesterday, I was sitting next to a car at a red light and heard a man yelling at the woman who was driving. When I looked over, she was just staring straight ahead waiting for the light to change. She looked sorrowful, downtrodden, and heartbroken. If you’ve never had someone close to you being abused,… Continue reading Abuse


Have you ever woken up with a crick in your neck? I suppose most of us have at one time or another. It is painful, and for a lot of the day, we cannot move our heads very much. When I have a crick, I try to work out the soreness and stiffness by stretching… Continue reading Stiff-Necked

Shut It!

When you were a child, did your parents ever put their hand over your mouth to get you to be quiet? Or maybe as a parent you did that when you wanted to your child to be quiet. In the book of Job, Job questions God. Everything and almost everyone has been taken from him.… Continue reading Shut It!

Just Look Away

Our eyes are wonderful organs. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be blind. Only if we close our eyes can we even get a glimpse as to what it must be like to live in darkness. But many of us live in darkness. The darkness of sin. The eyes are powerful as… Continue reading Just Look Away


I am not artistic at all. I mean I have no ability to do any kind of art. Nada. Zip. Zilch. I am always amazed at people who are artistic. When you can’t do something, watching someone else who can, is wonderful! But just because I don’t have any artistic ability, doesn’t mean I don’t… Continue reading Masterpiece

Lookin’ Back

They say you shouldn’t look back, and rightly so. I’ve even blogged about pressing forward and forgetting what is behind. Paul said it in the Bible. But there are times we should look back. Sometimes we need to remember. We need to remember things that happened, friends that betrayed us, bad things we’ve done, so… Continue reading Lookin’ Back


There’s a popular saying “Let go and let God.” We all know it’s easier said than done. Last Wednesday my youngest daughter’s college was on lockdown for an active shooter. I was in the middle of teaching class and started receiving all those texts of panic and worry. I did the only thing I knew… Continue reading Lockdown!

Empty Nothings

Have you ever been around that one person who, anytime he or she speaks, it is never, ever significant? Never important, never deep? Sometimes they even have ‘diarrhea of the mouth?’ Are you that type of person? I’m in Job in my daily reading. Job was in the middle of his suffering and needed encouragement.… Continue reading Empty Nothings