It’s Open!

I am blessed to be on a trip right now with three friends. We are in a cabin in the mountains of North Carolina. I have been to these mountains before but not to this specific lodging. It is a beautiful place! The temperatures are lower than home by 15-20 degrees and the majesty of… Continue reading It’s Open!


Have you ever been accused of something? It is not a good feeling. But don’t some people love to call you out on things as if they never do anything wrong? Maybe you are innocent. Maybe they just misunderstood what they heard or saw. Then again, maybe they hit the nail on the head. We… Continue reading Accused!


Do you like change or do you dread it? Maybe you love it and can’t wait for the next big change in your life that God brings you. Or maybe you’re one of those people who cannot stand for anything to change. It makes your heart race, your stomach hurt, and your life feels unsettled.… Continue reading Change!

Just a Man

I know I have blogged about storms before, how I love them, and how I like to listen and watch them. Some of you have commented you love them too! Yesterday, as I sat on our back porch for a few minutes listening to the thunder, I couldn’t help but think of a song I… Continue reading Just a Man

Far, Far Away

On our farm when you look out over the land, things seem so close but are farther away than you think, especially when you start walking toward them. I think that is how God is to many of us. We start walking to Him, and we either don’t make it or give up on the… Continue reading Far, Far Away

Out with the Old…

Have you ever been at a job, looked around, and realized they were beginning to hire much younger people and getting rid of the somewhat older ones? I know I said in a previous blog that I had made the decision not to grow old. Of course, I know that is impossible unless God decides… Continue reading Out with the Old…

It is Enough.

Would you want to go back in time to a certain moment and relive your life over again? I think about this sometimes. I don’t think I would unless I could carry what little wisdom I have gained back with me. This world seems to be getting more evil each day. The Bible says there’s… Continue reading It is Enough.

The Banquet

When I taught at my former school, we were blessed to able to have chapel twice a week. One of the songs we occasionally sang was called His Banner Over us is Love. The words went, “He gathers us in to His banqueting table, His banner over us is love.” Maybe you’re familiar with the… Continue reading The Banquet


Do you have it? Are you peaceful? Does it come easy for you? I know as a Christian we are not supposed to worry and be afraid, but it is very hard to do that sometimes. The circumstances of this life keep us from having the peace that Jesus can give us. He left it… Continue reading Peace

Not Broken, Just Bent

I have 3 older siblings. So, when I was a kid, I listened to a lot of their music. I think that’s why I like oldies music from the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. Because of that, I don’t listen to a lot of secular songs. I mostly listen to Christian stations on the radio. However,… Continue reading Not Broken, Just Bent