We all have regrets. We all have moments when we look back and ask ourselves, what were we thinking when we did THAT? Some of us have more than others, and some of us have worse things we did. Yesterday, I thought about Paul from the Bible. If anyone had a hard time letting go… Continue reading Press On
Category: Spiritiual
What or who do you think of when you hear the word love? Do you think of those that love you or those you love? Maybe you think of God and His love? Is love a verb or a noun? I think it is both but maybe more of a verb. The Bible calls God’s… Continue reading Absolutely!
I like the movie Parenthood from 1989 with Steve Martin. As a wife and parent, I can identify. But there is one part I really like where Steve Martin’s character is complaining about how hard life and marriage is. The grandmother hears him and tells him such wise words. The rollercoaster! I’d be remiss if… Continue reading Thirty
In the Morning
I don’t know what it is about the night time, but when we’re going through problems, things look worse then. Maybe it’s the darkness, maybe it’s because we’re tired. They say never make a rash decision at night. Wait until in the morning. And truly things do look better in the light of day. That’s… Continue reading In the Morning
Another Commercial!?!
I don’t like commercials (except during the super bowl)! I think most people feel that way. When watching TV and commercials come on, sometimes I will make a comment on them. My husband’s replay to me is, “Well, they made you remember it.” And that’s true! However, when I was a kid, I loved commercials.… Continue reading Another Commercial!?!
Have you ever had that tingling feeling? One where you can’t put your finger on what’s going on, but you know something big and important is about to happen-good or bad? In my daily Bible reading this morning, I came across this in 2 Kings 21 verse 12: 12 therefore thus says the Lord, the God of… Continue reading Tingles
To Tell the Truth
How do you know who’s telling the truth? How do you discern the right from the wrong? Recently I was caught, with others, in a situation where we were being told two different things. Things from two supposedly trusted sources. One a professional who is a Christian and the other a reliable company. Thankfully, nothing… Continue reading To Tell the Truth
We all have hard days. Some are harder than others. Just when we are at our limit, or at least think we are…. We get a reminder of Who is in control of this world-Who is still with us-Who is listening and hearing our prayers! Thank you, God!!
We all need help. We don’t ask for it enough. We aren’t supermen and superwomen. We can’t do this life alone. I know God knew this before He even created us. Ecclesiastes 4 says: 9 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up… Continue reading Need
Open Your Eyes!
I’ll be honest. I tend to be negative. I fight it all the time. The other day in one of my devotional books by Priscilla Shirer, I was reminded of this. The story went that a man was on an African safari to see the ‘big five’ animals. On the last day they still had… Continue reading Open Your Eyes!