When I was a kid and when I taught school, we would sing the song The Wise Man Built His House upon the Rock. In worship sometimes we sing Cornerstone. What is a cornerstone? One definition I found says it is an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based,… Continue reading Held Up
Category: Spiritiual
New Eyes
When you read the Bible, do you try to see something new each time? Being “raised in the church,” I have heard some of the stories many times. So when I read them again, I try to see something new, some new thought I haven’t seen before. I think the Holy Spirit helps us do… Continue reading New Eyes
How can anyone say there is no God?!? As I sit and watch these birds on our window ledge, I am amazed at God’s creation. The mother bird has built such a good nest to withstand the winds and storms. It is the perfect size for her body as she sat on those eggs before… Continue reading God
Press On
How do you deal with life’s changes? So many this time of year are dealing with their first, middle, or last child graduating from high school and leaving home. Then, there are some of us dealing with kids moving back home from college for the summer only to move away again in a few months.… Continue reading Press On
I once watched a nature show about how to graft tree limbs. It was interesting and looked like a difficult process. You had to know exactly what you were doing. Jesus talked a lot about Him being the vine and we are the branches. In Romans 11 Paul talks about the Gentiles being grafted into… Continue reading Grafted
Open Wide!
It’s hard to blog every single day. Some days I feel great in every way, and then other days I feel like I can’t keep a thought in my head. I know I’m not alone in this. Yesterday, was one of those days. Then, I came home to find that the robins’ eggs that are… Continue reading Open Wide!
This morning as I was working on the farm, a lot of things came to my mind, as usual. One thing was this is in some ways like Eden or Paradise here on earth. It is a beautiful place. Everything is so green now. I can hear the birds chirping and the turkeys cackling. But… Continue reading Eden
Move On
Shoulda woulda coulda. I have heard and said those words a lot as I’m sure you have too. I think we all feel that way about somethings sometimes. Before we become a parent, we think we will know everything and have all the answers. But we very quickly learn we don’t and never will! We… Continue reading Move On
I’ll be somewhere…
I love the song I’ll Be Somewhere, Listening that we sometimes sing during worship. It makes me think though, where will I be? These past few days, it has been on my mind where will I be when Jesus comes back? What will I be doing? Who will I be with? Will I be somewhere… Continue reading I’ll be somewhere…
Farm Life
I’ve written about our farm several times now. Forgive me if I over do it, but we love it so much and want to share. It is so different out there in some ways, and in other ways, it is very much like living in the city. I think one major difference is the animals.… Continue reading Farm Life