
As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, this past weekend Chris and I camped at Stone Mountain Campground in Georgia. We have been to many campgrounds in the last few years. Some are nicer than others. It is fun to look around and compare them. I have taken a cue from a friend of mine and… Continue reading Help!

Atop the Mountain

There’s a place in Georgia called Stone Mountain. If you’ve never been there, I recommend going at least once. It is the largest piece of granite in the world. It rises up over 800 feet in the air. You can ride a tram car up to the top or walk it if you’re able. The… Continue reading Atop the Mountain

Sunday’s Here!

What must it have been like for Jesus’ followers after His death? I cannot imagine what they must have been thinking. I know how I have felt after the death of a loved one. But the difference is Jesus told those close to Him that He’d rise up. I wonder if they really believed Him?… Continue reading Sunday’s Here!

Moving on?

Have you ever done something so bad that you wonder how you’ll ever be able to get beyond it? Maybe you hurt someone very close to you, and you wonder how you’ll ever face that person again. Or maybe you’ve done something only God knows about, and you wonder how you’ll ever make it to… Continue reading Moving on?

It’s Good!

Today, I cannot help but post that it’s Good Friday! I think most reading this will know and understand why it’s called Good. We know that Jesus was tried, condemned, and killed by crucifixion on this day many, many years ago. It’s overwhelming to try and understand how anyone could do that for someone like… Continue reading It’s Good!


I have posted before about how God is always around reminding us of His power and creation. The other night Chris and I watched a PBS show on birds and their eggs. It was amazing, and I don’t know how anyone can say there is no God after seeing how an egg is made and… Continue reading Reminders


During this week before we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, we see signs of it everywhere. There are shows on TV about Him. There are things for sale at stores that remind us that it’s getting close to Easter. But I hope that most of all the reminder is in our hearts not just these few days… Continue reading Jesus

Just do it!

I confess these last couple of weeks have hit me hard physically which in turn affects me emotionally. I was feeling very poorly; couldn’t really put my finger on one thing to describe how I felt except to say that it wasn’t good. I had the flu; my blood sugar was up; I wasn’t able… Continue reading Just do it!

Shaken not Stirred

Do you ever feel shaken? I’m not talking about shaken as in scared, although that could be the case. What I mean is shaken in the sense that Satan has a hold on you and is shaking you to pieces. Sometimes it feels like he’s got one of our feet and is holding tight. We… Continue reading Shaken not Stirred

In Too Deep

Is there such a thing as being in too deep? Is it a bad thing to be? Maybe. I believe it’s good and right to be in deep with some people you’ve invested time and love with like spouse or kids. But what about things like jobs, or people who aren’t deserving, or things that… Continue reading In Too Deep