Can anyone hear me?

Sometimes circumstances in this life have us screaming. Most of the time no one can hear us because we are screaming on the inside. We think we are alone and no one hears our cries. But Someone can. And He’s listening. Always. It may not seem like it. We ask why. Why is this happening?… Continue reading Can anyone hear me?

It’s Not a Game!

**Warning: You might be offended reading this one!! My husband and I are always on the look out for good shows to watch. We love a good drama, and sometimes, I can even get him to watch a romance with me! We had heard how good the show Game of Thrones was, so we decided… Continue reading It’s Not a Game!


When we were kids, did you ever hear someone ask, ‘Promise?’ and the reply may have been, ‘Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.’ Remember that? I’m not sure where that came from. Maybe I’d heard it from my older siblings or friends. It is weird to think about… Continue reading Promise?


Do you believe the events that happen in our lives occur for a reason? Do we pay enough attention to them to realize that maybe the spiritual world is touching our world for just a minute? That God and His angels are trying to help us or tell us something? My mom has had knee… Continue reading Signs

Who is for you?

Some days it feels like everything and everyone is against us. Just when we have something important to do, we get sick. Just when we think we’re pleasing everyone, someone is angry with us. Life is just like that sometimes. I was reminded this morning in my devotional reading of Psalm 56 verse 9 that… Continue reading Who is for you?

What are you wearing?

Recently I was having dinner with a couple of my good, good friends. During our conversation, one of them mentioned that she had been to a retreat and told how great it was. There she met a woman who touched her life. As my friend told her story (we all have one, don’t we?) to… Continue reading What are you wearing?


As I read my devotional, Psalm 51, this morning, I couldn’t help but think of some of the women of the Bible. This Psalm of David, tells how he felt after Nathan, God’s prophet, came to him and showed him how he had sinned. We know a little bit of how David felt by this… Continue reading Hearts


After a beautiful weather yesterday, last night we were reminded of the power that God has through nature. Our little cabin is on top of a hill, and we were able to watch the storm containing what they though was a tornado. We could see both sides of the sky converging on each other. It… Continue reading Power


Have you ever met someone who is gorgeous, and after talking with them, they turn out to be unattractive. On the other hand, have you ever met someone who wasn’t physically attractive, but after talking and getting to know them, they become beautiful or handsome in your sight? Where do we find beauty? In others?… Continue reading Beauty