Amazing Grace

There’s a song I like (I know, I like a lot of them) by Mercy Me called Flawless. It reminds me that Jesus on the Cross has made me flawless. The words says no matter how many bumps, bruises, scars, hurts, deep wounds, or pain I have, the cross has made me flawless. I have… Continue reading Amazing Grace


As a Christian who was ‘brought up in the church,’ I sometimes forget that Jesus was really a human just like me, only without sin, certainly not like me! He had some of the same feelings, pains, emotions, etc. Often times I think we all forget how human Jesus was when He walked this earth.… Continue reading Jesus

Seeing God

Do you see God throughout your day? Do you ever really look for Him? I try to always look for Him in the things or people I see. I want to see the reminders that He is there and in control. That He is always with me. I once read a story about a person… Continue reading Seeing God

The Banquet

How many banquets have you attended in your lifetime? I’ve been to a few. As an athlete, we would have banquets at the end of each sport season. As a student at a Christian school, we had Junior/Senior banquet in place of prom. I’m sure there are many other examples of banquets. At these banquets,… Continue reading The Banquet


What do you have that is priceless? Family, friends, a treasured thing? We can probably think of a lot of things that we would consider priceless. But, did you know that you are priceless? There are times that we feel worthless, ignored, and downright lonely. But if we are a baptized Christ-follower, God sees us… Continue reading Priceless


When I was growing up I used to love (and still do) to sing “Count Your Blessings.” I don’t think we count our blessings enough. I know I don’t. The song says to count them one by one. Recently, my husband and I sat down and typed up every blessing we could think of. It… Continue reading Blessings

In the Moment

Jesus lived in the moment. His ministry was only 3 years long, but during those short years, He accomplished more than any of us ever will or can in our lives. In one of my past blogs I talked about time and how it passes so quickly. In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon says everything… Continue reading In the Moment


I recently took a CPR/First Aid certification class. During those 2 1/2 hours, our instructor kept saying the victim is dead, so you need to… This got me thinking. If we are dead when our heart stops, when does our spirit leave our body after death? I know if I keep trying to work on… Continue reading Spirits


As I write this blog today, I am in the hospital waiting area waiting for my brother to have his knee replacement surgery. Waiting is so hard. We spend so much of our time waiting in this life. We are waiting for surgeries to be over; waiting for time to change; waiting for things to… Continue reading Wait


I know a Christian who thinks they can never be good enough to warrant going to Heaven. They’ve made too many bad decisions, done too much bad stuff, they’ll never make it. They are so scared of the end of the world and facing God. While they are correct, we can never be good enough,… Continue reading Heart

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